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  1. Kettlebell curls - strengthening and sculpting your body

    Unlock a full body workout with kettlebell curls and snatches.

    For a full-body workout that incorporates cardiovascular and strength training, it doesn't always require lifting heavy weights in the deadlift, squat, and bench press.

    man doing kettlebell

    Enter the kettlebell curl, a warm-up exercise that can be performed with or without weight and offers a low-impact workout that won't quickly fatigue your muscles. The kettlebell squat, a strength training exercise, targets your hips, legs, and quads, while the kettlebell curl and kettlebell snatch - performed with an empty kettlebell …

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  2. Embracing inclusivity in fitness

    Breaking down barriers for all abilities.

    Let's focus on the unique opportunities available to you and the ways in which they can lead to growth and improvement. There should be no limits to what we can achieve, regardless of our background or abilities. We're talking about real people, individuals, not just companies or political systems. Whether you're able-bodied or have disabilities, everyone has the potential to achieve their fitness goals. It's not about demographics or personal characteristics, but about the fact that we all have …

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